
February 20, 2014

There’s No Need to Overthink

February 2014

From Thinking2Overthinking

There has been a big snow storm in the east and southeast.  A lot of my readers from the Midwest think I am overstating it, but we recently got about two feet of snow here in the mountains of Southwestern Virginia. That means there's a lot of shoveling to be done. Doing yard work (or snow removal) is frequently when I do my best thinking.

It's when the good or most creative ideas come. Your brain needs space and time to get into a different place.

Often a good idea - with some editing, revising or tweaking - becomes a great idea. That's how it works. When shared, the creative process lends itself to a tightening or honing of the idea. Whether it is a slight shift here or a font change there, the good becomes great.

Then something else happens - like those times when you stare at a common word long enough it somehow appears almost unrecognizable to you. The simple becomes complex again and the urge to edit more takes over.

Man Thinking
Common... common... com-mon... cahhhhm muhn...

A Creative Tip4You

Fight that urge.

Be sure you aren't overanalyzing. The simplicity of a good idea, tightened up and presented is typically your best approach. In these busy days, the beauty and recognition of a swoosh, arches or a straightforward saying like "have it your way" really can be the answer.

While it's critical the branding and messaging be on target and connect with your audience, it isn't always necessary to put everything creative into a committee. Branding by consensus is never a good idea. Put your thought into it and do your research. Improve it and revise it. Then when you reach that magical point, know when to stop thinking.

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